2014 Federal Legislation

2014 Federal Legislation

Priority legislation being considered by the federal government identified for its impact to the clients, staff and communities of Crittenton.


HR 1732 (Bass) Strengthening the Child Welfare Response to Human Trafficking Act

Requires state child welfare agencies that receive federal funds to report on current efforts and/or their future plans to address human trafficking and CSEC in their care, and mandates data collection on human trafficking by creating a “human trafficking” classification in the child welfare reporting system. Also requires the Dept. of Health and Human Services to develop and publish best practices for training individuals that work with at-risk children; recommendations for prevention; protocols for a multi-system collaboration amongst agencies and NGO’s; and best practices to establish placements following the identification of a CSEC.

Position: Support

Crittenton’s HR 1732 Support Letter to the author’s office (2/14/14)


HR 1833 (DeLauro) Improving the Juvenile Justice System for Girls Act of 2013

Requires the Defines “gender-responsive services” that will specifically address the needs of girls in juvenile delinquency prevention and reflects understanding of: the pathway of girls into the juvenile justice system; the need for interventions that address the common experience of girls in the system; social and cultural factors and trauma-specific services.

Position: Support

Crittenton’s HR 1833 Support Letter to the author’s office (6/4/2014)


HR 4058 (Reichert) Preventing Sex Trafficking & Improving Opportunities for Youth in Foster Care Act

Amends Title IV-E to require state plans to demonstrate that the state has developed policies and procedure to identify, screen and provide services for children who the state has reasonable cause to believe are victims of sex trafficking, or are at risk. Requires states to document and report to law enforcement instances of sex trafficking and improve their locating and responding to children who have runaway from foster care. Directs the Secretary of Health and Human Services to report to congress runaways from foster care, state efforts to provide specialized services for sex trafficking victims, and state efforts to improve foster care connections. Require the Secretary to assist states in developing practices for foster parents to apply the reasonable and prudent parent standard and limits use of APPLA. Includes sex trafficking data in the adoption and foster care analysis and reporting system.

Position: Support


HR 3530 (Poe) Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act

Creates the “Domestic Trafficking Victims’ Fund” to be administered by the Attorney General in consultation with the Secretary of Health and Human Services and the Secretary of Homeland Security that would be funded by fines for child pornography, trafficking, child prostitution, sexual exploitation and human smuggling offenses. Increases the criminal penalties for those crimes related to human trafficking and allows American citizens (including lawful permanent residents) the opportunity to obtain official status designation as victims of trafficking. Through the Domestic Trafficking Victims’ Fund, creates a victim-centered block grant that would develop and implement victim-centered programs and prosecute traffickers. Clarifies existing law to assist in the prosecution of purchasers and traffickers.

Position: Support

Crittenton’s HR 3530 Support Letter to author’s office (11/26/2013)


S 1518 (Hatch) Improving Outcomes for Youth at Risk of Sex Trafficking Act

Requires state child welfare agencies to track, identify and provide services to youth who are, or who are at risk, of child trafficking and to share reports with designated federal agencies. Mandates the responsible and prudent parenting standard for youth in care, allowing for youth to participate in developmentally appropriate activities and requires ongoing family finding for older youth including increasing involvement of the youth in permanency planning. Eliminates federal matching funds to state for non-family foster homes for youth 12 and under, and significantly restricts funding for youth 13 years and up, following specified amounts of time (with minor exceptions).

Position: Support if amended