The Young Parents Speak Out: Barriers, Bias and Broken Systems report highlights the challenges and policy and practice implications that impact young parents’ lives to parent, provide for their families and ensure their child(ren) are in good health. National Crittenton received support from the Annie E. Casey Foundation (AECF) to directly engage young adult parents to help identify and advance advocacy for programs and policies that support their needs and potential. Core to this report was working closely with a Young Parent Advisory Committee (YPAC) of current and former young parents as advisors and Katcher Consulting.
BRIEF: Beyond ACEs, 2016— The National Crittenton Foundation highlights findings of the 2014-2015 administration of the ACE survey at 18 Crittenton agencies in 16 states. This second administration of the ACE survey included additional demographic information, which includes outcomes data and the pilot use of well-being questions. Well-being questions were added in the domains of connection, stress, and coping to provide information that would enable for better understanding of the connections between ACEs and well-being. *This publication features Crittenton Services of Southern California data
WEBINAR: Beyond ACEs, 2016 — The National Crittenton Foundation highlights findings of the 2014 administration of the ACE survey at 18 Crittenton agencies in 16 states. The webinar covers the use of well-being questions, piloted by seven of the participating Crittenton agencies, in domains of connection, coping and stress. The webinar also includes an active orientation to the ACEs Toolkit for Providers. Webinar sponsored by ASCEND at the Aspen Institute. *This webinar features Crittenton Services of Southern California data.
The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Toolkit for Providers, 2015— The National Crittenton Foundation, in partnership with ASCEND at the Aspen Institute, developed the ACE toolkit based on the implementation of the ACE survey with participating members of the Crittenton family of agencies. The toolkit includes resources to assist providers who are interested in using the ACE survey to promote healing for individuals impacted by childhood trauma, educate the community about the impact of childhood adversity, and promote two-generation policies designed to prevent ACEs for future generations. *This publication features Crittenton Service of Southern California data.
Blueprint – A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Sex Trafficking of Girls, 2014— This report grows out of Critical Connections: A Multi-Systems Approach to the Domestic Sex Trafficking of Girls, a conference held on March 12, 2013, that was hosted by Georgetown Law Center on Poverty and Inequality; the Human Rights Project for Girls; and The National Crittenton Foundation. The conference, gathered survivors, direct service providers, advocates, and state and federal government officials to discuss the challenges of addressing the domestic sex trafficking of children, and the importance of working collaboratively to help identify and support survivors. The first half of this report identifies the core components of a comprehensive and collaborative approach to the domestic sex trafficking of girls. The second half of this report describes how three jurisdictions have created a multidisciplinary response to the sex trafficking of children, each from a different system perspective. *This publication features Crittenton Services of Southern California.
Improving the Juvenile Justice System for Girls, 2012— Improving the Juvenile Justice System for Girls: Lessons from the States examines the challenges facing girls in the juvenile justice system and makes recommendations for gender-responsive reform at the local, state, and federal levels. This report emerged from the policy series—Marginalized Girls: Creating Pathways to Opportunity—convened by the Georgetown Law Center on Poverty and Inequality, The National Crittenton Foundation, and the Human Rights Project for Girls. The series focuses on improving public systems’ responses to the challenges facing marginalized girls and young women. *This publication features Crittenton Services of Southern California.
USA Today “Why is the Juvenile Justice System Failing Girls?” report features Crittenton Services of Southern California programming that advocates for girls in the juvenile justice system. To listen to the entire three-part series you can connect to the USA Today Opinion section of the website.
A former residential services client success story produced by The Story Board Project.
Fox 11 Los Angeles News Report featuring Crittenton Services
CCTV America’s Full Frame featuring Crittenton’s InSight Program for Trafficked Youth
Marshall B. Ketchum University honors Crittenton with 2016 Nonprofit V-Award
CSU Fullerton School of Social Work honors Crittenton as 2015 Community Partner of the Year