Youth Services Tag

YESS 2015: A Grassroots Effort Aimed to Educate on How to Keep Youth Safe from Human Trafficking

It was a year in the making and by the end of January 2015 the inaugural Youth Exploitation and Safety Symposium (YESS) had more than 400 participants signed up to take part in a full day of educational workshops; motivational keynote speeches; and get the opportunity to ask some very tough questions about the very sensitive subject of human trafficking or sex trafficking in the...

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Fundraiser to Help Young Trafficking Victims in Crittenton’s InSight Program

February 10, 2015 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact: Crittenton Services for Children and Families (714) 680-6008 FULLERTON, Calif - Crittenton Services for Children and Families (CSCF) is hosting its annual Mystery Night dinner and auction fundraiser to fund the non-profit’s efforts in helping teenage girls placed in Crittenton’s care that are victims of sex trafficking. This year’s Mystery Night event will be on Sunday, March 22, 2015 and hosted by Crittenton’s...

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Crittenton Donors and Volunteers Network Give Big

It’s official…you like us…you really like us! So, this past December the Crittenton Services for Children and Families volunteers, donors, community partners and staff were busy keeping up with the holidays. They answered a call-to-action that made the holidays a little more enjoyable for children and youth that seldom see compassion. “I’m always amazed of the generosity our entire support base has consistently shown the youth and...

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Anti-Human Trafficking Pledge
Crittenton Supports Current Anti-Human Trafficking Focused Legislation

On behalf of Crittenton, we are extremely encouraged by the recent progress of 12 human-trafficking focused bills in congress. Our leaders in the house are setting an important tone and building a platform on which we can all better address the needs of children who have been, or are vulnerable to, trafficking. As a member of Congressman Royce’s Congressional Task Force on Human Trafficking, and...

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Crittenton Wraparound Services: Foster Mom is Shining Example of Exceptional Parenting for LA County Foster Youth

Earcylene Beavers is no ordinary Crittenton Services for Children and Families (CSCF) advocate. She like so many of our supporters wears a number of hats that we respect and appreciate. To clarify, she is not a direct Crittenton client, nor is she a Crittenton foster parent. Who is she you ask? Well, she just happens to be the foster mom to current and former clients in...

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Long Beach Task Force to Offer Symposium on Protecting Youth From Human Trafficking

January 12, 2015 CONTACT: Martha Jasso, Crittenton Services: 909-763-0244 Jeanette Cheng, Long Beach Human Trafficking Task Force: 949-444-8025 Long Beach, Calif - The Long Beach Human Trafficking Task Force (LBHTTF) is joining with the Long Beach Unified School District (LBUSD) and the Long Beach PTA to offer the first annual Youth Exploitation Safety Symposium (YESS 2015) – a gathering of more than 80 organizations, workshops and speakers aimed at...

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A Message from Our CEO: Faith Matters

Child welfare agencies contracting with the government often hold the faith community at arms length. Concerns about the separation of church and state, "political correctness" and misunderstandings often stand in the way of enriching children's lives - and the lives of volunteers- to provide caring, supportive relationships for the most vulnerable youth. We're not talking about specific religious beliefs, but about seeing a world larger...

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Together We Journey, Together In Faith: Crittenton Thanks Our Faith Partners

Throughout the years Crittenton Services for Children and Families (CSCF) has seen our numerous community partnerships continue to flourish as needs grow. Whether are partnerships are with businesses, civic organizations, elected offices or other well meaning non-profits the end goal is one and the same – helping youth heal from the wounds of trauma, neglect, or exploitation. In particular, we are proud to say that amongst...

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Crittenton Gives Thanks

The cooking and the baking started at the crack of dawn, and the scents of homemade baked goods, sides dishes created from family recipes, and well seasoned turkey’s filled the air at Crittenton Services for Children and Families (CSCF) this Thanksgiving. “This is one of our favorite holidays to observe agency wide. Crittenton frontline staff from our Wraparound Services Program, our Foster Care Program, and our...

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Crittenton Supports Youth on Being Drug-Free

Every October the nation promotes a drug-free life during Red Ribbon Week. But at Crittenton Services for Children and Families (CSCF) applauding youth for making strides in their sobriety process, and positively acknowledging a commitment to being drug-free year round is an everyday thing. Crittenton’s Chemical Dependency Treatment Program is one of our specialty program’s that is simultaneously implemented throughout our entire agency’s efforts. We run...

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