Mental Health Services

Crittenton’s Mental Health Services has a highly qualified and dedicated team of mental health professionals that are assigned to coach and provide assistance to the children, youth and families we serve.

We adhere to trauma-informed and evidence based mental health best practices in order to ensure that all of


our clients are given the opportunity to begin their journey with us in a way that trauma can be treated holistically. This client centered approach is at the core of our treatment philosophy. And it’s fundamental to our mission that we continue to deliver quality outpatient mental health services while our clients are working through family turmoil, substance use, mental health, or a behavioral health issue.

Crittenton Services for Children and Families knows that you can never erase the trauma of someone’s past, but with the right blend of interventions and therapy you can dramatically change how that trauma affects their future.

Whether we are working with an individual, an entire family, or students in a school-based setting we will ensure that all services provided are delivered in a professional and compassionate manner. We thank you for your partnership and are looking forward to help build resiliency in a way that fosters health and well-being.

Crittenton has offices in the following locations:

Rancho Dominguez/South Los Angeles

Long Beach




Who Are Our Clients

Primarily children and youth (0-18 years of age)

We also work with caregivers & the families of our assigned clients

Have experienced complex traumas

May have serious emotional and behavioral issues

May also be abusing drugs and alcohol

May also have mental health issues

Services Provided

Family and individual therapy treatment options

Child and Family Team Meetings

Therapy sessions delivered in the community, Crittenton office, or school linked environment (for our educational partners).

Assessment, evaluation, and integrated treatment of trauma and/or co-occurring disorders

Linkages to additional support services within the community

*Wraparound Services for clients in need of a more comprehensive approach to family mental health needs. Assigned on a referral basis.

*Intensive Field Capable Clinical Services (IFCCS) for clients in need of more interaction with mental health staff and psychiatric services. These services are assigned on a referral basis from our county government partners.

*Parent Child Interactive Therapy (PCIT) is available in our Rancho Dominguez office for parents of young children in need of additional supports and parenting skills training conducted by a therapist. (Toddlers 2-5 yrs.)

Contact Us

For questions about Crittenton’s Mental Health Services please connect with us during regular business hours Monday – Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. PST.

Crittenton’s Los Angeles Office: 323.721.1073 ext. 1900

Nonpublic Agency ID 9901975

*Please note that we primarily work with various governmental agencies, the courts and local school districts in the Los Angeles County area. However, we are open to working with other school-based professionals in our local region in order to help fulfill Educational Related Mental Health Services (ERMHS) needs of eligible special education students and their families.

*We are a California Department of Education certified nonpublic agency as we meet the requirements and legal standards for such a certification. As an approved NPA we are authorized to accept students placed by local educational agencies (LEAs) under California Education Code, Section 56366.

*We accept Medi-Cal but restrictions apply.

*Spanish language services are available.

Crittenton is one of the best agencies that I’ve worked with! The therapists assigned to our school are all wonderful! I’ve referred many students and have never had any complaints from students or parents.

Jessica Guzman-Green, MSW

School Mental Health & Psychiatric Social Worker
Marquez High School - Los Angeles Unified School District