Wellness Policy

Crittenton Services for Children and Families is committed to maintaining the health and well-being of the clients in care. In particular, those clients that are using the services of our residential treatment programs by serving nutritional meals and snacks and providing recreation and rehabilitation groups that relate to healthy eating and physical activity. The purpose of this agency wide policy is to increase the ability to focus and learn in school settings and encourage the development of healthy eating habits and activity that are practiced long term.

Nutrition Education

Clients will be encouraged to start each day with a healthy breakfast.

Nutrition education will be integrated into our programming by offering related topics during Mental Health groups, Community Meetings, and/or individual opportunities.

The staff responsible for nutritional groups will be adequately prepared and participate regularly in professional development activities to effectively deliver an accurate nutrition education program. Preparation and professional development activities will provide basic knowledge of nutrition, combined with skill practice in program-specific activities and instructional techniques and strategies designed to promote healthy habits.

Nutrition education information will be reviewed by the Medical Services Coordinator and providers as applicable.

Nutrition education will include information that can be taken home and shared with family or other members of the community.

The agency will offer individual support/medical referral and follow-up with a nutritionist and/or doctor to those that are in need of such services.

Physical Activity

Crittenton shall provide and encourage the participation of recreational activity. This should include physical activities, which are within the physical capabilities of our clients. Crittenton shall not exclude a client from recreational activities simply because a client is new to our program.

Individual client activities and involvement will be discussed with residential and recreation staff as applicable. Discussion includes client hobbies and interests. The client and staff may develop an individual contract or recreational treatment plan. Programs might include athletics, rhythm and movement, self-defense, fitness and aquatics. Intervention plans include diet and weight management, learning new leisure interests and building social skills and self-esteem.

As recommended by a physician and/or ordering provider or at a client’s self-request, the primary care nurse or residential counselor/youth care worker assigned to recreational activities will contact the Resource and Activities Coordinator to develop an individual activity plan for the client based on the client’s individual recommendations that may include, but is not limited to, the client’s utilization of available recreational opportunities or individually developed opportunities. The assigned staff will track and review the activities and participation by the client on an Individual Contract or report the progress on an Activity Progress Report (APR). The APR will be filed within the client’s main residential file.

National Guidelines for All Foods in our Residential Programs

All food and beverages available in our residential programs will meet nutritional standards and other guidelines set by the federal and state government as well as the agency.

Nutrition Services shall take every measure that client’s access to foods and beverages meet federal, state, and local laws and guidelines. Nutrition services shall offer a variety of age appropriate healthy food and beverage selections.

Nutritious and appealing foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grain products will be available throughout the day.

Nutritional information for products offered are readily available

Daily snacks will feature healthy choices.

Nutrition Education will be encouraged during snack times as well as during mealtimes.

Food servings are based on USDA’s estimated calorie needs per day by age (2000 calorie count) and premeasured serving utensils are used for portions.

Eating Environment

Clients will be provided a pleasant eating area with adequate time to eat while fostering good manners and respect for fellow clients and their environment.

Lunch periods will be scheduled appropriately based on the school day.

Food service areas will include enough serving areas so that clients do not have to spend too much time waiting in line.

Drinking water will be available for all clients at all meals.

Food will not be used as a punishment or reward for client behaviors.

Child Nutrition Operations

The client nutrition program will aim to be financially self-supporting.

The client nutrition program will ensure that all clients have access to the varied and nutritious foods they need to stay healthy and learn well.

The agency will strive to increase participation in the available federal nutrition programs. (i.e. school lunch and school breakfast)

Food Safety/Food Security

All foods on campus shall comply with the state and local food safety and sanitation regulations.

Access to the food service operations shall be limited to child nutrition staff, authorized personnel, and pay crew workers.

When the agency becomes aware of a student with severe allergies, a plan to mitigate exposure to those foods will be developed by the agency’s nurse, food services personnel and administrators.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our wellness policy you can email  info@crittentonsocal.org for further information.

Page Last Modified: May 31, 2019