Yorba Linda Chapter of National Charity League Hosts Fashion Show to Benefit Crittenton
January 25, 2016
Beckie Flat – The Yorba Linda Chapter of National Charity League Media Liaison
Phone: 714-779-8104
Yorba Linda Chapter of National Charity League Hosts a Fashion Show
All Proceeds Help Fund Youth and Mental Health Treatment Services at Crittenton
Anaheim, Calif. – The National Charity League, Inc., Yorba Linda Chapter, is hosting its 21st Annual Fashion Show and Silent Auction on Sunday, February 21 at the Hilton Anaheim, located at 777 W. Convention Way, to benefit the non-profit Crittenton Services for Children and Families.
The Class of 2017, teens currently in their junior year at Esperanza High School, Yorba Linda High School, El Dorado High School, Orange Lutheran High School, Rosary High School, Santa Margarita High School and OC High School of the Arts, are hosting the event.
Each year, the girls from the junior class of the NCL select a charity to support through their annual fashion show. The teens of the NCL learn how to model and present a fashion show, luncheon, and silent auction for hundreds of guests.
National Charity League, Inc., Yorba Linda Chapter has supported local annual events for Crittenton, which is based in Fullerton, Calif. NCL is growing their partnership by helping to raise funds for Crittenton in honor of celebrating the organization’s 50th Anniversary in June of 2016. Crittenton is a non-profit 24/7 child welfare and social services agency in Southern California. For 50 years the organization has provided a residential treatment center for teenage girls who have been victims of various types of abuse and neglect. Crittenton also provides community based programming designed to help keep families together despite system involvement, provides mental health services to the children and families in their care, and also provides transitional youth services for foster youth aging out of the system.
NCL is proud to donate the proceeds from their fashion show to this wonderful organization.
RSVP for the luncheon event will be taken up to January 31, 2016. For those interested in sponsorship or would like to donate auction items phone calls or emails will gladly be taken up to the event date in February. To donate an auction item, provide sponsorship, or attend the event, contact Catherine Heyman at (714) 585-3224 or cheyman@ketchum.edu. For information about the Yorba Linda Chapter of the National Charity League, Inc., contact President, Kimberly Ostrowski at kimisue1029@yahoo.com.
About National Charity League, Inc.
National Charity League, Inc. is a mother-daughter service organization dedicated to building socially responsible women leaders through volunteerism and supporting local philanthropies. NCL chapters serve more than 3,000 philanthropies nationwide. NCL, Inc. is headquartered in Costa Mesa, CA. There are more than 175 chapters making a difference in 20 states. Each year, NCL members from coast to coast volunteer approximately one million hands-on hours in local communities. For more information, visit http://www.nationalcharityleague.org
Topics: Non-Profit, Social Services, Community Based Services, Residential Treatment Services, Wraparound Family Services, Foster Care Program, Transitional Age Youth Services, Mental Health Services, Crittenton Services for Children and Families, Donations, Philanthropy, Crittenton Volunteer Program, Crittenton Fundraising
Geography: Orange County Calif., Fullerton, Calif., Anaheim, Calif., Yorba Linda, Calif.